To share the creative spark so it might one day see the light.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pretty Flowers all in a Row

   Well it's been a while since my last posting, I've been busy with work, studying and just life in general. My arm has not been good lately but I decided that I wanted to do something creative as I am at my best doing just that.

     This material I bought almost two years ago and I was looking for the ideal pattern to make sure all the flowers where properly framed. I was at my quilting group and I saw the exact thing I wanted hanging on the clothes line. so I borrowed a book by Lynette Anderson and used her snowball pattern for this quilt top.
   The above three pictures where trials in what way the blocks of nine should go and as usual I decided on the first one I tried. Isn't it always the way...well it is with me it seems.

 This is the middle of the top, I just love the peacefulness( if thats a word) of the colours and the beautiful flower motifs. Who ever designed this fabric has done a beautiful job.

   Any way thats it for a little while, resting the arm, but I also need to decided on borders. I thought of a couple of small width borders then possibly more squares or rectangles mmmmm we will have to see.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy your day



  1. Hi Alison. I like the way this has worked. I agree that it is hard sometimes to find a pattern to suit large flowers on a fabric. I think you have made an excellent choice. Look forward to seeing the next step.

  2. Thanks Karen and Cherry Red for commenting I can't wait to see end result either
