To share the creative spark so it might one day see the light.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I can show you now.........

      Here is the makings of my latest Ghost Imaging. I made this for a friend for a Secret Santa gift, its her face and I know she likes birds so I used both images.
This was the first stage finished getting all the small pieces in the right order.
Then came all the quilting, which I echo quilted and then bound it in the backing fabric
  The last photo is of it drying as I soaked it in Paverpol, a waterproofing and non-fading solution, so Roxy could hang it outside if she so desired. I hope she likes it....



  1. I find this a fascinating process. Love the end result. It looks wonderful.

  2. Karen is right... This is a very fascinating process. Fantastic job!

  3. This is amazing! Your friend is going to love it.
